

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 2012 Update

I think I suggested Tranquility would be moving again in January, but with the end of the month now here, I can tell you that won't be the case.  The boat is still at C-Quarters Marina in Carrabelle, FL and I have been by a couple of times to check on her and have decided to leave her there until early March.  I have booked a flight, so I am fairly certain I will move on across the Big Bend of the Gulf and back to Madeira Beach or near there, hopefully by about March 12, at least that's when Denise will be arriving in Clearwater Beach looking first in the marina and then out to the Gulf, if I'm not already there.

Geo is trying to arrange transportation up to Carrabelle to do the 15 to 20 hour crossing with me sometime around March 6.  The exact day for crossing is still very much weather dependent.  I have monitored daily weather updates since November and while there have been a few suitable crossing days, it apparently has not been a normal winter and the good days were few and far between.  Hopefully, by March it will be better.  I will probably spend the rest of March getting Tranquility ready to go again.

I haven't finalized plans, but we have decided we'd like to have Tranquility close to home for a month or two this summer and found Kenosha, WI to be a good spot, with a nice marina and only 90 minutes away.  So, the plan is to head back up the east coast, probably starting in mid April and shoot for a mid to late July arrival in Kenosha.

Postings will not be as frequent, but I will try for at least weekly updates.  Stay tuned.